In October 2024, I debuted my Conceptual Mixed Media artwork
at 'ON THE EDGE ~ Perspectives on Death, Dying, Loss and Living'
at the Fall Arts Walk in Olympia, WA.
Read my Artist Statement below.
Welcome to this safe, sacred space to explore the themes of death, dying, loss & living. There’s nothing quite like ‘Living ON THE EDGE’.
After surviving an ADE (Almost Died Experience), I started interviewing death professionals to help me process my own death anxiety and brush with mortality. I noted down my reflections as I went and the ideas or 'downloads' for 100 art pieces emerged. The visuals for each appeared in my mind as well as their message. I had to then work out practically how to create each idea with real things and real art techniques to bring them into solid form. This collection is the few I have actualized so far.
Due to my historical background working in archeology, archives and genealogy, I particularly like using old found items to re-tell a narrative or story.
Each of my art pieces is self-contained and intended to make you think a little more deeply about death, dying, loss or living. Some may prod and provoke. Some you may relate to. Some you may not.
I’d like to suggest you engage with each piece as a stand-alone emotional and mental experience, and not just a visual one. You can read my own reasonings behind each piece, but of course you may see other things, based on your own experiences of death, dying, loss and living.
There are many aspects around these topics I could represent and perhaps they will appear in future art pieces. For now, I am interested in the dichotomies and paradoxes around how we deal with death as a society. I like to consider and question our approaches and habits around death and how we maintain the status quo to fit into our tribe, and whether these are actually that helpful.
I believe death needs to be managed and experienced at the community level. Perhaps like they did in the old days. Of course, we need hospitals and hospices and doctors and nurses. But we also need each other ~ to hold our experiences and emotions, however painful and harsh. To listen to each other’s death stories, and also to embrace the beautiful and sacred aspects too, without guilt.
Some may think a focus on death and dying is morbid and negative. Indeed, this may fit some experiences we have had. But ultimately, considering the reality of death, both our own and others, can help inspire us to live our best life now and to maybe not take our good fortune for granted.
These pieces represent my own perspectives and experiences from my own cultural background, both in the UK and US.
Jennie x
Thank you to Arts Walk Olympia for choosing us as 1 of 5 recipients of their Innovations Awards for our work in the community. It certainly helped get the word out about our events!