We hope you were inspired by our Conceptual Mixed Media Art Exhibit and events in October 2024, hosted by Death Dancer, and featuring art by Jennie Beth Banks.
Register your interest now if you wish to participate in next year’s Collaborative Art Exhibit, hopefully at the Fall Olympia Arts Walk in 2025.
Using any art medium, create a piece of art that stimulates conversation around death, dying, loss & living. Although you can of course include familiar death motifs like skulls and skeletons, please keep in mind that our main mission is to inspire deeper thinking and contemplation about death, to help us prepare for it better.
Email us at info@deathdancer.org to share your idea and we will email you a submission form.
Participation will be free to artists and we will seek funding to help host the exhibition and cover marketing costs etc.
First deadline is February 15, 2025 for letting us know your initial interest and so we can include you in our grant application. Please still contact us after this date and we will try to include you if we have enough space :) Final practical details will be confirmed in June/July 2025.
Artists can decide individually if you wish your work to be for sale. This isn't a requirement and the main thing is that your art communicates the message above.
Calling All Artists Poster (pdf)